TN Valley Divide Property – Campbell County, TN (Project #124)Mountain Road, Caryville, TN 37714

Acre: 3,713.2

Property Type: Forest Land

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TN Valley Divide Property – Campbell County, TN (Project #124)
One of many spectacular views looking out from the property towards Caryville & surrounding areas.

One of many spectacular views looking out from the property towards Caryville & surrounding areas.

Take a ride north on I-75 into Campbell County, TN and you will be rewarded with the unmarred scenic vista that is the forested ridgeline of the Tenneseee Valley Divide property, a 3,700+ acre tract adjacent to the Royal Blue Unit of TWRA’s North Cumberland Wildlife Management Area.

This property features remarkable biodiversity including beautiful spring wildflowers like Pink Ladies’ Slippers, reintroduced elk, and threatened migratory

Image of Cerulean Warbler – Courtesy Pam Linge – Macaulay Library

bird species like Cerulean and Golden-winged Warblers.

Formerly slated for extensive mining activity, the property was instead protected by an FLC conservation easement in 2013 and was recently donated to the FLC Properties Foundation. It serves as a valuable ecological buffer not only to the WMA but also the nearby Cove Lake State Park, from which the property is visible.

Image looking out from the Devil’s Racetrack hiking trail at Cove Lake State Park towards Cove Lake and the mountain ridgelines of the Tennessee Valley Divide property.

Image looking out from the Devil’s Racetrack hiking trail at Cove Lake State Park towards Cove Lake and the mountain ridgelines of the Tennessee Valley Divide property.

Preservation of the Tennessee Valley Divide property provides an important scenic backdrop for Cove Lake State Park, the Town of Caryville, Interstate 75, Veterans Memorial Hwy, US Hwy 25W, and many others.

The location, proximity to the North Cumberland Wildlife Management Area (WMA), variety of habitats, presence of mature trees, large land expanse, and other factors have created diversity in its plant and animal life.

The tract’s topography is varied and includes mountaintops, slopes, coves, and ridge shoulders. Two creeks, as well as a number of tributaries and springs, were noted throughout the property.